Mysql Bigint: 2^64 (0 à 18446744073709551615 ; 1.8446744e+19 )
Mysql Int: 2^32 (0 à 4294967296)
Mysql MEDIUMINT: 2^24 (0 à 16777215)
Mysql SMALLINT: 2^16 (0 à 65535)
Mysql TINYINT;BOOLEAN;BIT;BOOL: 2^8 (0 à 255)
Problem => The whole data can't be encoded in one data (but 7 biginteger) => hard to compare quickly and easily. Do not need to handle suchs possibilities. Place won't close and open 20 times in the same day
3rd technique : list of open-close of 1/2 hour of the week
Precision : 1/2 hour
1/2 hour of the week encoded on number between 0 to 24*2*7=336 => SMALLINT